It is more active at dusk.
És més actiu al capvespre.
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It is usually visited at sunset.
Generalment és visitat al capvespre.
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Guided tour - Terraces at sunset.
Visita guiada – Terrasses al capvespre.
Font: MaCoCu
During the summer season, at dusk.
Durant la temporada d’estiu, al capvespre.
Font: MaCoCu
Several people standing outside at dusk.
Diverses persones dempeus a l’exterior al capvespre.
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A man is rock climbing at sunset.
Un home escala unes roques al capvespre.
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Entrance in the afternoon until dusk.
Entrada a la tarda, fins al capvespre.
Font: MaCoCu
Family dancing on side of a lake at sunset.
Família ballant al costat d’un llac al capvespre.
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However, the station now had to sign off at sundown.
Tanmateix, l’estació ha hagut de tancar al capvespre.
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At dusk he went into his chamber.
Al capvespre va entrar a la seva cambra.
Font: Covost2
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